Sunday, November 26, 2006

A new beginning.

I went recently to the Montreal bookfair and the Montreal Comic Con and had my first contact with editors and artists in the field. What a rush it was to be finally be talking to some fellow artists. I have been waiting for 10 years now to start this journey.

In the last decade, I found myself working as lead designer and as an Artistic Director for many Design firms throughout Montreal and for 10 years I have put aside my love for illustration. I have now decided to re-invent myself artistically and throw myself in this world that I have been dreaming about for so long.

Take notice people. I am here and ready for some action !!


Dannie said...

Tu as enfin pris ta vie en main! Cela demande souvent de prendre une décision difficile et des sacrifices, mais je n'ai aucun doute que ça vaut le coup!
Lâches pas! Tu es sur la bonne voie!

Jimmy Suzan said...

Merci Dannie. Comme tu sais, ce n'est pas évident de miser tout sur soi. J'espère juste que cette année de renouveau soit le début de quelque chose de grandiose.

Nookie said...

Always knew your talents... the only thing is that... you gotta push it until your satisfied, i mean when your gonna be recognise for it! Go for it your the best!
Nookie xxx