Friday, December 22, 2006

Coming soon to a Galaxy near you

As a treat for the start of the new year, I am showing you this exclusive first taste of the sci-fi graphic novel I am working on. It is a work in progress, but I like the energy of these characters so much.. I could not help myself.
So enjoy.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Rolling with it.

When life throws you obstacles, trials and tribulations; don't just sit there and dwell on your misfortune... roll with it and use that experience to try harder. There is no time to lose!

This is a lesson that I am applying right this instant. I have taken part in a Comic book contest and just now received that my submission has not been retained. The theme of the contest was " Views on the city." The prize was a ticket to go to Angoulème (France) to take part in the international comic book convention hosted there every year.

On a more positive note, it has allowed me to finally try my hand at a more finished product than I am used to. I can now finalize my work as much as possible thanks to this experience. Every opportunity is there for you to learn something.
More will come for sure.

Here is what I handed in. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No time to waste !!

I have been writing and drawing so much these days. Don't you hate it when , after being very productive for quite a while you take a breather ( to see what the outside world looks like! ). You come back to the drawing board to continue your work, and then... nothing!
Your brain decided to take a vacation and whatever you do it won't let you get back in work mode. Sucks right??
Well it's been happening very often these days. If you have any tricks to make the brain stop taking week-long breaks... please...share the info.

So anyways, I have some brand new stuff coming out this week. Here is a sampler. A helluva lot more is coming.
Brace yourselves !!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Flash forward to the now.

Here it is folks.
This is what i am up to these days. I have been fortunate enough to be working on my projects all year. Here are some sketches and colour renderings of characters from my book. And as a treat, i have added the teaser poster for this particular project.
My search for publishers will soon follow. I've never been this far off in a personal project. Hopefully, this will generate interest and get my foot in the door.
Comments are more than welcome.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Intensive rehab !!

Drawing on and off for the past ten years really left my hand to be stiff and uncoordinated. Last summer I submitted myself to an intensive regime of comic books and everything else I could get my hands on to get inspired and get back to the comic frame of mind.

In my search, I found myself obsessed with the works of Alex Ross. I bought "Mythology. The DC comics art of Alex Ross" and stood in awe of his technique and body of work. WAW!! I would surely like to shake this man's hand and knock back a couple of pints and share "war stories".

I had spent a lot of time writing and the time finally came to see if I could get my hand back. These pics are a first attempt at characters from my book. Many more came after that, but I would like to show you the progression of my work as I go along with this blog.

Comments are always welcome.

A new beginning.

I went recently to the Montreal bookfair and the Montreal Comic Con and had my first contact with editors and artists in the field. What a rush it was to be finally be talking to some fellow artists. I have been waiting for 10 years now to start this journey.

In the last decade, I found myself working as lead designer and as an Artistic Director for many Design firms throughout Montreal and for 10 years I have put aside my love for illustration. I have now decided to re-invent myself artistically and throw myself in this world that I have been dreaming about for so long.

Take notice people. I am here and ready for some action !!